Department Meeting (Lecture Series Pharma and Food) (580006 SE)

In this summer term, S2025, we are offering a selection of exciting lectures given by international and local experts in pharmacy, the food sciences and related fields.

All units will be held on-site in lecture room 6 (HS6) of UZA2 (Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2, 1090 Vienna), Thursdays at 11:30 h. A table with an overview of all lectures is provided below.

Please register here.

Poster for the summer term.

DateLocationLecturerLecture titleHost

HS 6

Assoc.-Prof. Gaetano Angelici, University of Pisa, Italy

From Structure to Function, a Conformational Perspective for Biomedical Applications

Marietta Zille
20.03.2025HS 6Prof.Dr. Attila Hunyadi, PhD, DSc, University of Szeged, HungaryEcdysteroids - from Insect Hormones to Drug DiscoveryVerena Dirsch
27.03.2025HS 6
Prof.Dr. Jonny Proppe, TU Braunschweig, Germany
From Waste to Value: Co2 as a Building Block for DrugsJohannes Kirchmair
03.04.2025HS 6Dr. Žarko Kulić, Preclinical Research Department, Schwabe Pharmaceuticals, Karlsruhe, Germany

Analytical Challenges in Phytopharmaceutical Industry

Judith Rollinger
08.05.2025HS 6Dr. Stefan Schönbichler, Alban Karlseder, Bionorica Research, Innsbruck, AustriaAnalytical Chemistry in the Phytopharmaceutical IndustrySabine Glasl-Tazreiter


HS 6Prof. William Jorgensen, Yale University, New Haven, USA

Evolution of Computer-aided Drug Discovery

Thierry Langer
22.05.2025HS 6

Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Klein-Junior, University of Vale do Itajai – UNIVALI, Brazil

(Bio)Chemometrics and the Study of Natural Products: a Marriage of Convenience?
Judith Rollinger


HS 6

Dr. Christine Mayer, Editor-in-chief of multiple Wiley journals; Wiley Publishing, Germany


Ethics in Publishing 2.0 Lea Ann Dailey

HS 6

Dr. Jakub Treml, Masarykova University, Brno, Czech Republic

Natural Phenolic Compounds as a Possible Treatment for Metabolic Diseases

Elke Heiss

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