The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to be recognised nationally and internationally as a leader in pharmaceutical research and education. We promote the discovery, development, and appropriate use of medications for the welfare and the safety of the public.

The range of topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences aims at the identification and the characterisation of both new biologically active natural products and synthetic drugs and at understanding of their interactions with human targets on a molecular level using in silico, in vitro, and in vivo models.

Based on this knowledge, new lead compounds and disease relevant targets are investigated and delivery systems for pharmaceutical active ingredients are developed.

 News & Events


Our PhD student Hari Baskar Balasubramanian (PI Zille) was awarded the prestigious Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) DOC Fellowship 2024 for his PhD research project titled "Identification of the Metabolites Associated with a Dietary Intervention that Protect Against Hypertension-induced Cerebrovascular Injury". The award ceremony took place on Dec 3 in the festive hall of the OeAW.

press release:

Congratulations to Hari on this well-deserved recognition!


photo copyright: ©OeAW/Natascha Unkart


12.12.2024 11:30

An exciting lecture as part of the Department Meeting, Prof. Twan Lammers, RWTH Aachen, Germany

05.12.2024 11:30

An exciting lecture as part of the Department Meeting, Prof. Robert Fürst, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany

28.11.2024 11:30

An exciting lecture as part of the Department Meeting, Prof. Claus-Michael Lehr, Universität des Saarland, Germany

21.11.2024 11:30

An exciting lecture as part of the Department Meeting, Dr. Claudia Jessen-Trefzer, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany


Nach kurzer schwerer Krankheit ist Dr. Hubert Gstach kurz nach seinem 74. Geburtstag verstorben. Er war in der Pharmazeutischen Chemie als Projektmitarbeiter angestellt (FWF) und hat uns mit seiner viele Jahre langen Expertise in der Medizinalchemie in unseren Projekten unterstützt.

Unser Mitgefühl gilt seiner Familie und seinen Freunden.