This was the Pharma and Food Lecture Series W2022


DateLocationLecturerLecture titleHost

HS 4 

Prof. Dr. Alexa Klettner, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, GermanyPotential of marine polysaccharides for medical applicationMarietta Zille
13.10.22HS 4
Prof.Dr. Dušanka Janežič, Department of Applied Natural Sciences, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Protein Binding Sites for Drug Discovery

Gerhard Ecker
HS 4Dr. Marc Nazare, Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology, Berlin, GermanyTailoring chemical probes beyond simple small molecule ligandsChristoph Rademacher 

HS 4

Dr. Martin LepšíkOn the importance of physically correct models for describing protein/ion/ligand bindingJulien Orts


5 p.m.

Prof. Dr. Mary Beth Humphrey, The University of Oklahoma, USATargeting SHIP1 inhibitors as novel Alzheimer’s pharmaceutical agentsEleni Petsouki, Elke Heiss
24.11.22HS 4
Prof. Christian Ducho, Universität des SaarlandesTowards Novel Antibacterial AgentsNina Schützenmeister


HS 4Bonnie Wallace, Birkbeck Coll. LondonVoltage gated sodium channels as targets for treatment of neurological and cardiovascular diseasesAnna Weinzinger/MolTag
12.1.23HS4Oluwamodupe Cecilia Ejelonu, Dept of Chemical Sciences, OAUSTECH Okitipupa, Ondo State NigeriaNatural products and ion channels and transporters: Innovation for novel drug deliveryAnna Weinzinger/MolTag
19.01.23HS 4Marcel Van der Heyden, Department of Medical Physiology at the University Medical Center UtrechtExamining drug-induced proarrhythmia in the canine AV block modelAnna Weinzinger/MolTag
26.01.23HS 4Antoine Loquet, IECB - Institut Europeen de Chimie et Biologie, CNRS, Inserm, University BordeauxMolecular snapshots of pathogen cell wall architecture by magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonanceNicolas Coudevylle
