This was the Pharma and Food Lecture Series W2021


7-OctHS 5Tobias Madl, Medical University of Graz, AustriaNMR-based metabolomics: what can it provide in pharma and food sciences?Grienke
14-OctONLINEBernd Roether, Bionorica SE, GermanyMarket channels and regulatory pathways for herbal medicinal products - the EU approachRollinger
21-OctONLINEAlexander Titz, Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) Saarbrücken, GermanyBacterial lectins as targets for therapeutics and diagnosticsSchützenmeister
28-OctHS 5Günther Klambauer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, AustriaDeep learning methods with associative memory in drug discoveryKirchmair
4-NovONLINERatmir Derda, University of Alberta, CanadaGenetically-encoded chemistry in ligand discoveryRademacher
11-NovONLINEAntonio Monari, Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Théoriques,
Université de Lorraine, France
Don't let them bury the light. Multiscale methods in simulating photobiological phenomena from light matter interaction to the biological outcomeGonzález (MolTag)
18-NovHS 5Daniel Krois, University of Vienna, AustriaEasy syntheses of new trifluoromethylated oxazoles as amino acid and peptide analogaKirchmair
25-NovONLINEDaniel Merk, LMU Munich, GermanyTargeting nuclear receptors in neurodegeneration and beyondDirsch
2-DecONLINESimone Moser, LMU Munich, GermanyPhyllobilins - chlorophyll breakdown as source of bioactive compounds in medicinal plants and foodDirsch
9-DecONLINEAxel Neffe, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, GermanyBioinspired and bioderived polymer systems for applications in biomedicineSchützenmeister
16-DecONLINESascha Rohn, TU Berlin, GermanyFunctional food compounds – Only in raw plant material? Reactivity and stability of bioactive metabolites along the whole value added chainSchützenmeister
13-JanONLINEVolodymyr Korkhov, Paul Scherrer Institute/ETH Zurich, SwitzerlandStructure and function of membrane proteins involved in signallingSitte (MolTag)
20-JanONLINEAndreana Assimopoulou, University of Thessaloniki, GreeceExploring the potential of natural products: A chemical engineer's perspectiveRollinger
27-JanHS 5Written exam
