This was the Pharma and Food Lecture Series W2023


DateLocationLecturerLecture titleHost

HS 6 

Prof. Sven Stegemann, TU Graz/RCPE, AustriaUntangling the discrepancy between “efficacy” and “effectiveness”: when patientes are the better experts in drug product designLea Ann Dailey
16.03.23HS 6
Prof. Stylianos Michalakis, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Germany

Gene therapy in the eye: technologies to address remaining challenges

Ulrich Lächelt
HS 6Prof. Maria Halabalaki, University of Athens, School of Pharmacy, Laboratory of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Chemistry, GreeceBioavailability and metabolism of bioactive secoiridoidsJudith Rollinger

HS 6

Prof. Lutz Nuhn, University of Würzburg and MPI for Polymer Research Mainz, GermanyMacromolecule-Based Strategies for Enhancing Immunotherapy Responses
Ulrich Lächelt

HS 6

Prof. Chris Meier, Universität Hamburg, Germany

How to get highly polar, bioactive Nucleotides into Cells? The Use of a Chemical Trojan Horse Approach in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Nina Schützenmeister
11.05.23HS 5
Prof. Diomedes E. Logothetis, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Bouvé College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, USAAllopharmacology: GPCR signaling to Ion ChannelsWeinzinger/MolTag


HS 6Dr. Dirk Bredenbröker; Dr. Martin Lehner; Head of Reserach and Development, Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. KGIntroduction to the Schwabe Pharma Research & Development Model and Innovation Strategy for PhytomedicineJudith Rollinger
22.06.23HS6Prof. Nadja Cech, Patricia A. Sullivan Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USInformatics approaches for identification of synergists from bioactive mixtures: Understanding nature's complexityGrienke/Rollinger
